
For anyone who has followed the tech scene and/or Android Development for some time, Kotlin, a language developed at JetBrains is likely familiar. The language has also received a lot of media attention as the future of Android development, receiving backing from tech giant, Google.

To understand why this is the case, I have recently started learning Kotlin mainly for fun and to see how well the language lives up to its hype (praise). So far, I have been impressed by a couple of features that I will summarise below. To do this, I will walk through a simple implementation of a Search class, from which Binary and Linear search subclasses inherit. As such, we will explore the concept of classes, inheritance, and a few unique Kotlin features that I found interesting.

Defining a Kotlin Class

As might be expected, we can create a class using the class keyword. For our walkthrough, we will create a class named Search as a super class.

abstract class Search{
    abstract fun search(): Int 

Let us break down this code. If you are coming from a language like python and are not familiar with Java like language, the most obvious difference in defining a class is the need to use keywords like open, abstract, public, etc.

What exactly does abstract do? In Kotlin or Kotlin-like languages, an abstract class is used when we want for example to create a super class that we are not going to initialize directly.

In this case, we create a super class Search and declare it abstract. We also define an abstract function for the actual search algorithm. By declaring search abstract, we can customize this for the specific search algorithm using the override keyword as we see below. It is interesting to note that we define a return type (Int here) in the search method. While this is optional, the default return type in Kotlin is Unit which can cause problems later on so I think it is better to be explicit about the return type.


Alright, we now have a base class and are ready to define subclasses. To declare inheritance, we use the : operator as below.

class LinearSearch(var lst: List<Int>, var target: Int):Search(){
        println("LinearSearch object created with list ${lst} of size ${lst.size}")

    override fun search(): Int {
        return lst.indexOfFirst {it == target}

In the above code, we create a LinearSearch class and use a primary constructor which is defined as being part of the class header. A secondary constructor on the other hand is defined within the class body and bears the keyword constructor.

For our LinearSearch above, we have defined an lst var in the constructor to hold our integer list and target to specify the target element of the list.

init is similar to python __init__ and here we define what happens on instance creation. Here, we use syntax similar to python f-strings to print the list and its size (length).

Null Safety

Null safety is a broad and important topic that ensures that values are not null when they shouldn’t be. In our init, we could have used lst.!!size to ensure that size is always available but in this case this is redundant.

Overriding methods

As mentioned briefly above, we can override a function with the override keyword. For the linear search algorithm, we are only interested in linearly finding the target so we use a built-in function indexOfFirst to do this. However, we could have written this from scratch. This line also introduces the {...} map-like syntax.

Here, we are mapping every iteration within the list to check if it is equal to our target and return the index of the first true element.

The above briefly explains inheritance and we can proceed to implement a binary search.

class BinarySearch(var lst: List<Int>, var start:Int = 0, 
var end:Int = lst.size - 1, 
var target:Int):Search(){
    var new_list = lst.sorted()
       println("BinarySearch object created with list $new_list of size ${new_list.size}")  

    override fun search():Int{   
    var mid_index = (start + end) / 2 
    while(start <= end){
        if(new_list[mid_index] == target) return mid_index
        start = if(new_list[mid_index] < target) mid_index + 1 else start
        end = if(new_list[mid_index] > target)mid_index - 1 else end  
    // If not found 
    return -111

The details of the algorithm are available online. Briefly, a binary search sorts an input list, and depending on the start and end indices defined compares the target value to the middle value of the sorted list and if these are equal returns the index of the middle value. Otherwise, the start and end points are redefined depending on the whether the target is greater than or less than the middle value.

For our inheritance story, we note that within BinarySearch’s primary constructor we can create new variables (parameters) and also directly perform manipulations on these variables. For example here we set the initial end value to one less than the length of the input list.

Running the code

Finally, we can encapsulate our code in a main() call and see what happens.

fun main(){

var my_list = listOf(25, 89, 56, 83)

var bin_search = BinarySearch(lst = my_list, target = 56)

var lin_search = LinearSearch(lst = my_list, target = 56)

println("Target ${} found via a binary search at index: ${}")

println("Target ${} found at index: ${}")

This yields the following at the console. Do you see any immediate difference in the algorithms based on the output from our init?

BinarySearch object created with list [25, 56, 83, 89] of size 4
LinearSearch object created with list [25, 89, 56, 83] of size 4
Target 56 found via a binary search at index: 1
Target 56 found at index: 2


Kotlin is an interesting language that simplifies the process of android app development by eliminating a lot of the boilerplate code that makes Java appear less readable. Admittedly, this blog post does not cover everything there is to know about Kotlin classes. For example interfaces, companion objects, and other related concepts are not illustrated here. I hope however that this post gives more confidence to those coming from python and looking to work with Kotlin in how much similar to python the language is.

As always, I am happy to talk about this and other coding issues either on Twitter or on my email.

Thank you and keep bulding.


Further Reading