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Utilities for a freshly installed Linux System


Utilities for a freshly installed Linux System



~It is recommended to first run the installer in a virtual environment before running it on your machine. Alternatively, you can edit the file and comment out functions you would not like to run.~

This repository provides a seamless way to install many of the commonly used programs/scripts.

It has been tested on an Ubuntu system and might therefore fail to run on a non Debian based distribution. In addition, some of these programs are based on amd64 architecture and might therefore not work on a 32-bit system.

The script will run for sometime for a fresh installation depending on the network speed and/or hardware.

What the installer does

These are stored in which does the following:

  1. Updates and Upgrades the system
  2. Installs boot-repair in preparation for when things might break
  3. Installs extra drivers
  4. Installs gnome-tweak-tool and unity-tweak-tool
  5. Installs Mac-OS like themes to make your Ubuntu/distro look like a Mac
  6. Installs tlp which is a battery saver.
  7. Installs caffeine. if you’re a movie fan, you’ll surely need this.
  8. Installs R, RStudio, ~python3(Python 3.7.4 at the time of writing)~,pip3,pandas,matplotlib,seaborn, sklearn,scipy,numpy, opencv, scikit-image, Keras, torch, torchvision, tensorflow.
  9. Installs the plank dock.
  10. Installs pandoc, texlive,mupdf,evince, gimp
  11. Installs Firefox, chrome, wine
  12. Installs openssh, openssl
  13. Installs screenfetch and neofetch
  14. Installs vlc
  15. Installs rsync
  16. ~Installs docker~
  17. Configures bluetooth, installs bluetooth related programs
  18. You can uncomment some lines to edit such files as the grub file, sudoers list and/or .bashrc.

How to use the installer

# You can choose a different directoy(Downloads for instance)
cd ~/Desktop
# if you do not have git installed, first run the next line
# or download the raw script with wget/curl/ your favorite tool
#sudo apt install --y git
# clone the repo or do as earlier stated(download raw file)
git clone
cd linit
# enter root password once prompted
# That's it

Please provide feedback, add additional tweaks and/or raise issues.