Recode NA as another value using a function or a custom equation
func = "mean",
grouping_cols = NULL,
across_columns = NULL
A valid R `object` for which the percentage of missing values is required.
Function to use for the replacement e.g "mean". Defaults to mean.
A character vector. If supplied, one can provide the columns by which to group the data.
A character vector specifying across which columns recoding should be done #use all columns head(custom_na_recode(airquality,func="mean")) # use only a few columns head(custom_na_recode(airquality,func="mean",across_columns = c("Solar.R","Ozone"))) # use a function from another package #head(custom_na_recode(airquality, func=dplyr::lead)) some_data <- data.frame(ID=c("A1","A1","A1","A2","A2", "A2"), A=c(5,NA,0,8,3,4), B=c(10,0,0,NA,5,6),C=c(1,NA,NA,25,7,8)) # grouping head(custom_na_recode(some_data,func = "mean", grouping_cols = "ID", across_columns = c("C", "A"))) head(custom_na_recode(some_data,func = "mean", grouping_cols = "ID"))